Sharpening Leaders

Resources to Lead Different

Guide for End of Year Reflection

To engage this exercise: Set aside an hour. Find a quiet space. Bring a journal or paper. Pray. Reflect. To learn more about how to reset and reflect about 2020 visit: Click here to download Guide for End of … Continued

Game-Changer Encouragement to End or Start a Year

It’s hard to believe! We are closing in on the end of 2020! This year has been long, unprecedented and difficult on so many levels. A few years back, I remember hearing about “2020 Vision” and “2020 Strategic Plans.” Vision … Continued

Three Key Areas to Reflect & Reset After 2020

Every year at this time I share a free tool to help you reflect on the year. Taking time for reflection is a critical practice for leaders. Reflection fosters learning, stimulates growth, calls for course corrections, identifies priorities and renews … Continued

If You Ever Feel Like Giving Up…

Faithfulness isn’t critical when a crisis erupts, because we usually jump in full of adrenaline. We instinctually do whatever it takes to survive during the initial period of a crisis. However, faithfulness becomes critical when a crisis moment turns into … Continued

Tim Tang - October Leader

Snapshots of Jesus-Centered Leadership™: Tim Tang

Our world desperately needs Jesus-centered leaders! We trust this interview with Dr. Tim Tang (Arrow Class 20) will encourage and equip you to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. Tim equips and … Continued

Who Do You Go To?

If you are a leader, you are a “go to.” Maybe you are the “go to” for your church, your team or your organization. People go to you for answers, for direction, for help, for care and for spiritual support. … Continued

Snapshots of Jesus-Centered Leadership™: Paul Turner

Our world desperately needs Jesus-centered leaders! We trust this interview with Paul Turner (Arrow Class 41) who serves as International Director of Latin Link will encourage and equip you to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and … Continued

How to Turn the Tables on Discouragement

There’s a very real and destructive pandemic under way. I could be talking about COVID-19, but I’m not. I am talking about a pandemic I hear in almost daily coaching sessions with Christian leaders. This pandemic is called discouragement. Discouragement … Continued

Snapshots of Jesus-Centered Leadership™: Jennifer Groves

Our world desperately needs Jesus-centered leaders! We trust this interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Jennifer Groves (Arrow Class 46) will encourage and equip you to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. Jennifer serves as … Continued

Six Key Focus Areas You Don’t Want to Miss

Focus is hard right now. For starters, COVID fatigue is real. It’s hard to keep focused in the midst of what’s becoming a long-term grind. Just tuning out and ducking for cover in the increasingly ugly battles on social media … Continued