Snapshots of Jesus-Centered Leadership™: Jennifer Groves

Our world desperately needs Jesus-centered leaders!

We trust this interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Jennifer Groves (Arrow Class 46) will encourage and equip you to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. Jennifer serves as private secretary to the chief of staff at, The Salvation Army International Headquarters, in London, UK.

Jennifer, how are you seeking to lead more BY Jesus?

Without a doubt this would be my Emmaus walk. This is a skill I picked up three years ago at a retreat, but I never really applied in my life until I was immersed in my Arrow journey. Most days I go for a walk. During the first half of the journey, I share with God the many and varied things that are foremost in my life—the good, the bad and the indifferent. As I begin the return journey, I relax, breathe deeply and listen to Jesus. The insight and wisdom I receive enables me to approach situations from a renewed perspective. I start to see the way He wants me to go and to trust Him for what was, is and will be. Jesus has truly become the focus of my everyday living, and I am valuing resting in Him. This has become one of my greatest assets on life’s journey.

Jesus has truly become the focus of my everyday living, and I am valuing resting in Him. Share on X

What does leading more LIKE Jesus look like for you?

The one aspect of Jesus’ leadership that I am seeking to continually uphold is integrity in every aspect of my work. I serve in a role where this is imperative because of the sensitive and confidential information that I handle every day. It can be challenging to uphold integrity when I am aware of other aspects of the situation or know those who are involved or if I personally disagree with the approach being taken or I am pressured to share what I know. In these situations, I need to remain neutral which enables me to uphold confidentiality and protect the office of the leader I serve.

How are you leading differently because of participating in the Arrow Leadership Program™?

In my life before Arrow, I had always been someone who dwelt on things for days, weeks and sometimes longer. However, I was given the Choice Map tool by Marilee Adams, and it changed things. Now when things are not “sitting well” in my heart or mind, I ask God to show me why and He never fails to respond. He enables me to “switch lanes” and find the right path again. This tool has also enabled me to engage in difficult conversations as a way of clarifying and moving forward together. This has changed how I lead. Before Arrow, I led from a position of fear, insecurity and indecisiveness. Now I lead from a position of confidence, insight and wisdom.

One of the greatest blessings I gained from Arrow was from my leadership partner who gave me this mantra for my life: “I have nothing to prove and nothing to protect. I am who Christ says I am, and that is enough.” And it is. My life, leadership and ministry are different because of this.

“I have nothing to prove and nothing to protect. I am who Christ says I am, and that is enough.” Share on X

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