Leader, Drop Your Net
Remember when you “left your net?” At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matt. 4:20, NIV). A curious thing has been happening with me lately. I have begun to pick up my net again. Let me explain. I … Continued
Resources to Lead Different
Remember when you “left your net?” At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matt. 4:20, NIV). A curious thing has been happening with me lately. I have begun to pick up my net again. Let me explain. I … Continued
How’s your team? Teams are critical to accomplish the mission God has called us to: a collection of people with shared passion and vision; a variety of skills, gifts and abilities; energy to propel us forward. There’s nothing better than … Continued
One year ago, I answered a phone call no parent wants to receive: “your son is unconscious and being taken by ambulance to a trauma hospital.” Jason, almost 20, had left our home a few hours earlier to play in … Continued
“What’s your greatest temptation?” This question came to mind while praying for someone I was mentoring. Whether this question or another, great questions provide possibilities for awareness, growth and transformation. Specifically around the temptation question, I was convicted that this … Continued
A reminder about purpose is like a fresh, invigorating breeze. Have you experienced it? Feeling troubled, burdened, ashamed, confused or overwhelmed by the complexities of life and leadership, and then a word of encouragement or an idea blows through the … Continued
If only we had more ______________________ then we could ________________________. If we had more funds then we could do more ministry. If we had more volunteers/leaders then we could have greater capacity. If we had more time then we could … Continued
Endless studies powerfully demonstrate that our sleep, both the quality and quantity, is incredibly important to our health and everyday effectiveness. There are many practical tips and helpful techniques to help us sleep, but we shouldn’t forget that there are … Continued
Have you ever missed the proverbial forest for the trees? It’s easy to do. We can get so caught up in the moment, the emotion, the complexity, the idea or the details that we lose the broader perspective of what’s … Continued
Experience our newest resource Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds) with the following excerpt. Available for purchase here MY BROTHER LIKES TO TEASE ME ABOUT A TIME WHEN … Continued
“I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.” 1 Cor. 9:22b. Holding my dinner tray of freshly cooked fast food, I finally found a seat at the GIANT window at SeaTac airport. … Continued