Sharpening Leaders

Resources to Lead Different

Are You Trying to Be Something You Are Not?

  Experience our newest resource Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds) with the following excerpt. Available for purchase here UNIQUE PARTS ASSEMBLED AND WORKING TOGETHER IN FUNCTION, harmony and … Continued

“I’m Not Enough” . . . Right?

Experience our newest resource Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds) with the following excerpt. Available for purchase here WE CAN HAVE A TENDENCY TO SETTLE WITH THE MESSAGE THAT … Continued

I’m Not Feeling It . . . So Now What?

Experience our newest resource Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds) with the following excerpt. Available for purchase here THERE ARE DAYS WHEN I DON’T FEEL LIKE A NEW CREATION. … Continued

Lost & Found: Memories of Being Sent

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach … Continued

Caring for the Soul of the Leader

Led More By Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Ingrid Davis states, “the most important thing we bring to leadership is ourselves” and that “true leadership begins on the inside of a leader.” The beginning of a New Year is … Continued

Brett Ullman – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

Dismantling Walls of Separation

Leading More Like Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Sami DiPasquale draws on his experience in cross-cultural relationships and sees how Jesus has modeled the way in loving our neighbors well. How is it that you, a Jew, ask a … Continued

New Resource: Who Am I? Devotional

Who Am I?: A Devotional Journey for You to Soar in Your Identity in Christ From Arrow Leadership Author: Sharon Simmonds, Foreword: Steve A. Brown Being anchored in our identity in Christ is meant for all Jesus-followers and especially critical … Continued

The Stewardship of Power

Leading More Like Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Dave Lee accentuates that our use of power has a tremendous impact on how we live, love, lead and serve. Think about ways you could incorporate these concepts and reflection questions … Continued

Dwayne Toews – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued