A reminder about purpose is like a fresh, invigorating breeze.
Have you experienced it? Feeling troubled, burdened, ashamed, confused or overwhelmed by the complexities of life and leadership, and then a word of encouragement or an idea blows through the fog and there’s a fresh assurance of purpose that brings clarity and hope.
Reminders about purpose are like a breath of fresh air.
It’s one reason why I urge you to watch Arrow Leadership’s webinar with Dr. Lon Allison. A gifted evangelist, Lon speaks about purpose: “making your life and organization effective in sharing Jesus Christ.” [Click HERE to watch the webinar recording]
In the webinar, Lon’s joy-filled expression as he talks about sharing Jesus as a way of life is contagious: his face lights up, he gets close to the webcam and passion for Jesus and people to know him pours out. Lon reminds us that Jesus and the gospel message make all the difference for humanity.
Maybe you need a reminder of the gospel in your own life today. That the life, death and resurrection of Jesus have you firmly established with purpose – forgiveness of sins, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, identity in Christ, meaningful work and life with God forever. Nothing can separate you from his love. Nothing!
In the presence of Jesus, threats, confusion and worries diminish. Temptation loses its grip and gets replaced with courage. Tasks and requirements get clarified and the Spirit empowers the people of God to be about his work in the world. Whatever you’re up against, Jesus is with you and he is mighty to save. Let that fresh breeze flow through you today.
Perhaps you need Lon’s simple-yet-profound reminder that sharing the good news of the gospel is for every Christian, everywhere, in every organization. His presentation is filled with both grace and possibility as he reminds us of our purpose to effectively share Jesus Christ with the world. Lon references Rom. 10:15, “A sight to take your breath away! Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God!” (MSG)
God can, and wants, to bring people to himself – and we get to be part of it! Lon suggests that three things are required to make our lives and organizations more effective with purpose in sharing Jesus Christ:
- Doing it personally;
- Verbally proclaiming the gospel;
- And moving our churches and organizations to be more effective in the life of witness.
In the webinar, Lon expands each point and his stories and examples are good reminders that sharing Jesus is meant to be – and can be – a natural part of our lives and our leadership.
Need a breath of fresh air in seeing lost people found? Gather your friends, co-workers, small group, leadership board or team to watch the webinar – and share this with others in your network too.
May our purpose as gospel-bearers stir up a fresh, invigorating breeze as we look for opportunities to plant, water or harvest wherever God is working around us today.
On the journey with you,