Experience our newest resource Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds) with the following excerpt. Available for purchase here
On these gloomier days, it is stunning to realize that God still views me as a new creation. Not because of me, but because of Christ’s resurrection life in me—him making all things right. “By giving himself completely at the Cross, actually dying for you, Christ brought you over to God’s side and put your lives together, whole and holy in his presence” (Col. 1:22, MSG).
Our attitudes, moods and feelings are clearly not an accurate gauge of our new creation identity. Reflection Q: What are the effects when your attitude, mood and feelings are not aligned with your identity in Christ as a new creation?
But knowing we are a new creation—wow!—that’s hopeful. It’s “the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations…the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:26–27, NIV). Reflection Q: What difference does it make in your life to have the reality of Christ’s resurrection life in you?
Being a new creation is God’s resurrection work in our lives. He redeems, revives, restores and renews us. His work impacts us personally.
More than that though, our lives in Christ take on additional meaning as we work with God for his redemptive purposes in the world.
You (We) Are NOT Alone . . .
Some of the believers in New Testament times struggled to live in their identity as a new creation. Paul’s letters to the church in Corinth (1 and 2 Cor.) addressed his concerns about the conduct of God’s people being out of step with the gospel of Christ, that their relationships and practices were not supporting resurrected, redemptive living.
If you, too, desire to live as a new creation (or, more broadly, live from your identity in Christ), our Who Am I? Devotional will anchor your identity in the deep truths of what God says about you. Order your copy (and anchor your life) today: store.arrowleadership.org/shop/who-am-i/
“Get on with your new life. God’s Spirit beckons.
There are things to do and places to go!” Romans 8:14, MSG
This is an excerpt of “A New Creation”, part of a devotional collection from Who Am I? A Devotional Journey For You To Soar In Your Identity In Christ (Sharon Simmonds). Copyright ©2016 Arrow Leadership. Published by Castle Quay Books. Available for purchase from the Arrow Online Store.