Tag: leadership

6 Keys to Developing Others (from the Best Book I’ve Found)

When I’m asked to recommend resources on developing others, my first response often surprises people. My go-to book has been around a long time! It’s the Bible’s 1 Thessalonians. Written by the Apostle Paul around AD 52, this short letter … Continued

Leader, Drop Your Net

Remember when you “left your net?” At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matt. 4:20, NIV). A curious thing has been happening with me lately. I have begun to pick up my net again.  Let me explain. I … Continued

Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees!

Have you ever missed the proverbial forest for the trees? It’s easy to do. We can get so caught up in the moment, the emotion, the complexity, the idea or the details that we lose the broader perspective of what’s … Continued

Lost & Found: Memories of Being Sent

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach … Continued

The Stewardship of Power

Leading More Like Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Dave Lee accentuates that our use of power has a tremendous impact on how we live, love, lead and serve. Think about ways you could incorporate these concepts and reflection questions … Continued

Dwayne Toews – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

“Come with Me,” a Call to Walk with Jesus

Led More By Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Hollis Kim (Arrow Class 3) reflects on the first disciples Jesus called to be with him, and how they were attentive, available and responsive to be led by him. Share this … Continued

Arrow Story – Jason Fizzard

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

Communicating in a World of Secular Spirituality

Leading More To Jesus In this special 25th anniversary article, Merv Budd (Arrow Class 9) observes that many Christians have become largely unconversant in the lingua franca of secular spirituality – in other words, not knowing how to have spiritual conversations with … Continued

Integrate: Jesus-Centered Leadership™

  Integrate: Jesus-Centered Leadership is a new leader development resource that will be available from Arrow Leadership this September. I’m so excited to introduce you to the concept and to share how the development of Integrate has deepened my awareness … Continued