Sharpening Leaders

Resources to Lead Different

Seven Steps for Authentic Confession

This guest post is from Jim Van Yperen.  Jim serves as the President of Metanoia Ministries, a ministry that specializes in restoring broken places in the church.  He is the author of Making Peace and is part of our faculty … Continued

Lessons From The Back Row

You can learn a lot from the back row. Over the last eight years I’ve had a great back row seat to learn from many gifted presenters, trainers and facilitators for the Arrow Leadership Program. Photo Credit: loop_oh via Flickr … Continued

Follower First

Leadership matters. Leaders are a strategic leverage point for wider influence, change and transformation. This is the reason ‘leadership’ is in Arrow’s name. It’s why we have specialized for over twenty years in developing, mentoring, resourcing, encouraging and praying for … Continued

Keys to Engaged Staff and Volunteers

  What can we learn from Gallup’s research of 10 million employee and manager interviews spanning 114 countries and conducted in 41 languages? Takeaway number one from Gallup’s 12 The Elements of Great Managing is that employee (and volunteer) engagement … Continued

The Power of First Impressions

We had just moved across the country with our two small children. We didn’t know anyone in the area besides my new ministry colleagues at Arrow Leadership. We longed for community and eagerly wanted to get connected to a local … Continued

Two Overlooked Meeting Maximizers

Meetings matter. The costs (time and money) are sizable.  The potential significant. For leaders, there is only one thing worse than being part of a bad meeting – leading one. Since meetings are a primary platform for moving ministries and … Continued

An Unforgettable Olympic Moment

It’s an unforgettable Olympic moment. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Great Britain’s Derek Redmond had advanced to the 400 meter semi-final. It had been four long years since an Achilles injury forced a last minute pull out from … Continued

Feeling Deflated? Six Questions To Help…

  It’s not just tires. Leaders can ‘lose air ‘ too. Intense demands, overwhelming expectations and the daily challenges of leading can easily conspire to emotionally deflate a leader. The symptoms are short-term (unlike an on-going and much more serious … Continued

Developing Rhythms for Rest and Renewal

Ask: Is rest and renewal a regular rhythm in your life? Why: God has punctuated time by establishing day and night, specific seasons, special celebrations and Sabbath. Developing similar rhythms for our lives and specifically for rest is biblical and … Continued

What Really Holds You Back?

Dandelions. These yellow ‘flowers’ populate lawns each spring. Initially, it seems easiest to just run the lawnmower over top of them.  After all, they will disappear…for a day or two. But the dandelions will soon reappear in even greater force. … Continued