Tag: Arrow Leadership Program

10 Little Ideas That Could Pay Big Dividends In 2018

A new year is a great chance for a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to try new things and set new rhythms. The little ideas that follow won’t be found on a list of “Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions” but they are … Continued

Flying in Formation

How’s your team? Teams are critical to accomplish the mission God has called us to: a collection of people with shared passion and vision; a variety of skills, gifts and abilities; energy to propel us forward. There’s nothing better than … Continued

A Breath of Fresh Air

A reminder about purpose is like a fresh, invigorating breeze. Have you experienced it? Feeling troubled, burdened, ashamed, confused or overwhelmed by the complexities of life and leadership, and then a word of encouragement or an idea blows through the … Continued

Leveraging Your Limitations

If only we had more ______________________ then we could ________________________. If we had more funds then we could do more ministry. If we had more volunteers/leaders then we could have greater capacity. If we had more time then we could … Continued

Brett Ullman – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

The Stewardship of Power

Leading More Like Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Dave Lee accentuates that our use of power has a tremendous impact on how we live, love, lead and serve. Think about ways you could incorporate these concepts and reflection questions … Continued

Dwayne Toews – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

A Dose of Humility

Led More By Jesus In this 25th anniversary article, Tim McCarthy shares about a discovery that is helping him to be led more by Jesus in all aspects of his life. Can you relate? “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty … Continued

Arrow Story – Michael Messenger

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

Now Released! Integrate: Jesus-Centered Leadership™

  NOW RELEASED: INTRODUCING A NEW RESOURCE FROM ARROW LEADERSHIP Integrate is a leader development resource to cultivate more Jesus-centered leaders. Covering three themes, each including an 8-minute video and guided conversation, this leader development resource provides an engaging platform … Continued