Whether you are leading teams or organizations, Jesus-centered leadership changes everything.
With nearly three decades of proven experience, we can help you lead your team and organization toward greater impact. Discover how.
Arrow Leadership Program
Intentionally developing your emerging and seasoned leaders is a key responsibility for organizational leaders. How are you seeking to develop your key leaders? What’s your plan to take your high-potential leaders to the next level?
The Arrow Leadership Program will help you strategically build greater capacity in your key high-potential leaders. This proven program provides highly personalized, intentional and transformational Jesus-centered leadership development. Over 15-18 months you will see your key leaders grow through on-site learning experiences, practical Jesus-centered leadership training, 360-degree assessment feedback, a personalized leadership development plan, life-changing mentoring/coaching relationships and on-going academic education opportunities.
With two streams—one for emerging leaders and another for executive leaders, the Arrow Leadership Program is a deep investment for transformational growth in a few of your key leaders.
Sharpening Leaders Initiative
Is your organization looking for spiritual and strategic leadership development where you can learn together?
The Sharpening Leaders Initiative is a 12-18 month leadership development journey for a group of 25-50 leaders in your organization or context. This highly effective experience includes four two-day leadership development summits, peer learning groups, webinar training and monthly e-resources.
Resources to Help Your Whole Team Grow
Team Tune-Up
Is your team maximizing its potential? Are you experiencing some turbulence? Your team could benefit from a Team Tune-Up.
The Team Tune-Up provides a detailed team assessment, 90-minute coaching session and 90-day action plan to help get your team on track for maximum impact.
High-Impact Workshops
Relevant. Biblical, Practical. That’s how participants describe Arrow’s workshops.
We integrate biblical truth and practical application to equip you, your team and your organization.
Our workshops can be presented in either a face-to-face setting in your context or via a webinar format.
Organizational Consulting
Arrow Consulting is specifically designed to come alongside organizations and leaders, helping develop you to solve pressing issues and overcome barriers with practical and effective solutions.
Executive Level Performance Reviews
Every effective leader needs to continue to grow and develop. One key ingredient to growth is objective and constructive feedback.
We provide a comprehensive performance review package for high-level leaders including a 360-degree assessment, personalized debrief and a written report that highlights growth steps to enhance your executive leadership.
Personalized Coaching
We know firsthand both the challenges and the opportunities of leadership. We can help you take your leadership to the next level leadership as a Jesus-centered leader who leads differently.
We offer short-term and long-term personalized coaching in a one-on-one context either in person or via video conferencing.
Organizational Tools
To lead differently and effectively, you need the right tools. Visit the Arrow Store to find the right tool for your team and organization.
Partner with Us
We partner with many organizations across the US and Canada, coming alongside to develop Jesus-centered leaders. Our ministry partners receive exclusive discounts on our programs, services and resources in addition to opportunities for customized training and workshops.