Four Questions at the Gate of the Year

Welcome! Please find below a summary of questions, notes and resources to help you maximize the sermon from Dr. Steve A. Brown.

4 Key Questions at the Gate of the Year

Question 1 – Where Will Your Eyes Focus?

Hebrews 12:1-2, Psalm 16:8

Your eyes can focus in many places – including the winds and waves of your circumstances. Instead, we can fix our eyes on Jesus, the author an perfecter of faith. What are some rhythms or practices that might help you keep your eyes focused on Jesus in 2022?

Some practical ideas: Use the Lectio365 app or YouVersion Bible app to re-engage Scripture daily. Start each day in prayer. Identify any “wind and waves” circumstances that take your eyes away from Jesus and choose to entrust these things to Jesus.

Responsive Prayer – Lord, whatever may challenges may come or however my circumstances may change for better or worse, help me to keep my eye focused on Jesus.

Question #2 – Who Will Journey With You?

Matthew 26:36-46

Jesus modelled leaning into community even when the community wasn’t perfect. After a season of disconnection, do you need to lean more deeply into your local church? Join a bible study or small group? Find ways to connect more with your extended family? Find a mentor? Start a peer mentoring group?

Responsive Prayer –  Lord, I know cannot walk alone. I want to follow Jesus’ example and lean into community – even imperfect community. Help me to connect with community more deeply in the year ahead.

Question #3 – How Will You Use Your Towel?

John 13:1-17

Jesus modelled radical service. Where and who can you serve in 2022? Maybe there are opportunities in your own family? At your school? In your church? In your community?

Responsive Prayer  Lord, thank you for your example in radical service. Thank you for creating me for something bigger than myself. Guide me in loving others in practical ways in the year ahead.

Question #4 – How Will You Approach The Well?

John 4:1-42

Jesus made ordinary everyday encounters with people extraordinary. How can you follow his example? Who are the people you connect with in ordinary encounters each day? How could you be kinder, listen more, see them, build bridges and break down barriers and point them to Jesus?

Responsive Prayer – Lord, in the comings and goings of ordinary moments each day, may I always be ready with kindness in both word and deed to share the hope that I have in You.

Ending Poem Excerpt  Minnie Haskins, “God Knows”

“I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’
And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be better than light, and safer than a known way.’”

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