This month’s question to assist mentors…
Who would you choose to bring to your “Gethsemane”?
Even though our world is e-connected 24/7/365, many people feel disconnected from deep intimate friendships and community. In one of his most challenging moments on earth, Jesus chose to bring three friends with him to Gethsemane. His friends had been far from perfect. In this key moment they even fell asleep several times. Despite their shortcomings, Jesus modelled the importance of friendship and community. He leaned into friendship and community – even when it wasn’t perfect or easy. This question sets the stage for a discussion with your mentee about the current health of their friendships.
Is your mentee able to quickly identify three key friends to whom they could reach out to? Ask more about these friendships. Why are these friends important? Is your mentee able to keep connected with these friends? If not, why not? Explore what could take these friendships to a deeper level.
If this question is challenging for your mentee, ask if they are longing for deeper friendships and greater community. Explore possible blocks to friendships – i.e. busyness, a recent transition, relational skills, fears, etc. Help your mentee develop some next steps toward growing friendships. Are there some older connections that could be re-engaged? Are there some possible friendships that could emerge with some effort?
Pray for and with your mentee in this area.
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17