Tag: sabbath

Brett Ullman – Arrow Story

Arrow’s Vision is to see: Christian Leaders equipped to influence every sphere of society, impact every nation, and reach every person for Jesus. In celebrating Arrow Leadership’s 25th year, we’ve asked Arrow Leaders – from class 1 to present – … Continued

A Dashboard for Life

  Your car’s dashboard is a tremendously helpful tool!  A brief glance at the gauges can give you a fairly clear overview of the engine’s operation and vehicle’s health. Whatever your mechanical aptitude, the dashboard provides a more objective level … Continued

Who Was Right – The Tortoise or The Hare?

Editors Note – In keeping with the theme of this post, we will be changing our posting rhythm for the summer months.  We will post just once in July and August as we work on some other writing projects and … Continued

Developing Rhythms for Rest and Renewal

Ask: Is rest and renewal a regular rhythm in your life? Why: God has punctuated time by establishing day and night, specific seasons, special celebrations and Sabbath. Developing similar rhythms for our lives and specifically for rest is biblical and … Continued