Month: February 2013

Overcoming The Encouragement Deficit

There is an encouragement deficit in most workplaces. In their book, 12 The Elements of Great Managing, Gallup’s Wagner and Harter note: “In the perception of employees generally, praise is painfully absent from most companies and the workgroups within them.  … Continued

Five Key Frames for Complex Situations

Leadership is complex. You know that – you live in the complexity everyday. It’s often hard to know how to even approach some of these situations and opportunities. Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal argue in their bestselling classic Reframing Organizations: … Continued

We Stand Alone Together

A three-mile run up and then back down a long hill called “Currahee” was a regular training drill for Easy Company, the first paratroopers in the US Army.  The name “Currahee” means, “We stand alone together” and this hill became … Continued