The following provides information about Arrow Leadership’s assessment process including how you, as a spouse, can take part. You will find it helpful to you in making your decision. If you have chosen to complete the voluntary assessment component, please complete and return along with your reference form:
One key component of the Arrow journey is the assessment process. In this confidential and proven process, Arrow uses a number of well-respected assessment inventories to provide opportunity for each leader to foster greater self- understanding and self-awareness of their personality, giftedness, strengths, growth areas and blind spots.
There are four phases in Arrow’s assessment process:
Phase 1 – Gathering Data
In addition to each leader providing self-assessment (filling out the inventories on themselves), we ask each leader to identify a feedback group of five people who provide confidential 360 degree feedback. This group includes: the leader’s supervisor/CEO/Board, a peer, their spouse or an opposite gender person, and two followers.
Data is gathered through the use of secure on-line surveys or inventories that Arrow provides via email. Each feedback group member then follows the direction provided and offers confidential, honest and objective feedback.
Arrow also invites (though does not require) spouses to further participate in the assessment process by filling out two self-assessment inventories (16 Personality Factors – 16PF and Birkmann). Arrow makes this invitation to spouses out of respect and support for the marriage relationship and with the goal of deepening understanding between husband/wife.
Phase 2 – Providing Assessment Overview and Training
During residential one, Arrow’s assessment specialist overviews the assessment process with the entire Arrow class.
Phase 3 – Assessment Debrief
During residential one, each leader receives their own confidential assessment binder as well as the assessment binder for their spouse (if married and participating). After reviewing the assessment feedback, each leader then meets one-on-one with Arrow’s assessment specialist for a personal consultation and also debriefs the assessment feedback with their leadership partner (on-site mentor).
Phase 4 – Spouse Feedback
After residential one, the returning Arrow leader will provide their spouse (if married and participating) with their own assessment binder. This binder provides background information on the 16PF and Birkmann inventories as well as the spouse’s assessment feedback.
We encourage the returning Arrow leader and their spouse to schedule time together to review the assessment feedback.
One value-added option is to book Dr. Whitman for a one-hour phone debrief post-residential one. Thirty minutes of this time would be with the Arrow spouse and thirty minutes with the Arrow participant and their spouse to discuss what the assessment may mean for their marriage and service together. This valuable service is available, upon request, for $100.
I, the undersigned, voluntarily consent to be administered the Sixteen Personality Factor Inventory (16PF) and Birkmann as part of my spouse’s comprehensive Arrow Leadership assessment.
I understand that the results of this test will be shared with my spouse as part of his/her assessment, and will be made available to me after the first Arrow residential.
I understand that these test results are considered confidential, and disclosure to parties beyond the Arrow Assessment Team will only be allowed with my written permission.
I take these inventories at my own risk, and will not hold Arrow Leadership or any other party responsible for any emotional distress that may result from the procedure or results of these inventories.