Adapted from a letter to our Arrow community.
The chaos increased by the hour. Uncertainty and fear took hold. Panicked people began to fend for themselves.
Those sentences could easily be headlines describing these days of COVID-19. They could also vividly describe another time—the most significant event in history, the first Easter.
Everyone on edge. Tension in the air.
Something big was going to happen. But what?
A final meal. A betrayer identified.
A lonely garden. Desperate prayers. Tears of blood.
An arrest. Then, fear and chaos. “Everyone deserted him and fled.”
Trials. Beatings. Mockery. A crazed crowd screaming, “Crucify him!”
A cross on a hill. Crucifixion. Lots cast for his clothes.
Final words. “It is finished.”
Darkness filled the sky. The earth quaked.
Questions, doubts, fear and panic gripped his followers.
Time passed. Minutes turned to hours and days.
Angels appear. An empty tomb.
“He is risen!”
“Do not be afraid. Go and tell the others…”
“Peace to you!”
Disbelief turns to worship.
COVID-19 has brought very real challenges to our world. The cross and empty tomb of Easter remind us to keep focused on the One who has overcome the world. The One who has overcome sin and death.
Whatever the circumstances, let’s keep our eyes fixed on the One who has no equal. The One who brings light in the midst of darkness. The One who brings hope in the midst of chaos. Our Prince of Peace in the midst of turmoil. The One who gives us new life because of Easter.
Because Jesus changes everything,
Dr. Steve Brown
President, Arrow Leadership
P.S. Click to download a special resource for you to share with others— 5 Certain Steps for Uncertain Times
P.S.S. Please share the link to an Easter Service with your neighbours and friends to share the Good News.