Tag: Encouragement

Silence the Unhealthy Soundtracks in Your Head

Have you ever had trouble getting a song out of your head? It can easily happen after you’ve heard a few notes from your kids’ favorite Disney movie soundtrack. The same goes for the commercial with the catchy jingle or … Continued

6 Keys to Developing Others (from the Best Book I’ve Found)

When I’m asked to recommend resources on developing others, my first response often surprises people. My go-to book has been around a long time! It’s the Bible’s 1 Thessalonians. Written by the Apostle Paul around AD 52, this short letter … Continued

When Life Takes a Turn…

One year ago, I answered a phone call no parent wants to receive: “your son is unconscious and being taken by ambulance to a trauma hospital.” Jason, almost 20, had left our home a few hours earlier to play in … Continued

A Lesson from the 5th Inning

It was the 5th inning of Game Four of baseball’s 2015 American League Division Series. My beloved Toronto Blue Jays were up by five runs and the Texas Rangers had two outs. Though the score indicated the Jays were on … Continued

Two Key Words for Leaders

Think back to when you were growing up. When a birthday or Christmas gift arrived from a family member or friend, did your mom or dad make you write a thank you letter? As a child, I loved receiving the … Continued

Overcoming The Encouragement Deficit

There is an encouragement deficit in most workplaces. In their book, 12 The Elements of Great Managing, Gallup’s Wagner and Harter note: “In the perception of employees generally, praise is painfully absent from most companies and the workgroups within them.  … Continued

What’s Your RQ?

Trouble is heading your way. There are no two ways about it. Jesus promised, “In this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33) This trouble seems to only get magnified for Christian leaders. Follow the life of any leader in … Continued

An Unforgettable Olympic Moment

It’s an unforgettable Olympic moment. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Great Britain’s Derek Redmond had advanced to the 400 meter semi-final. It had been four long years since an Achilles injury forced a last minute pull out from … Continued