Author: Dr. Steve A. Brown

An Unforgettable Olympic Moment

It’s an unforgettable Olympic moment. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Great Britain’s Derek Redmond had advanced to the 400 meter semi-final. It had been four long years since an Achilles injury forced a last minute pull out from … Continued

Feeling Deflated? Six Questions To Help…

  It’s not just tires. Leaders can ‘lose air ‘ too. Intense demands, overwhelming expectations and the daily challenges of leading can easily conspire to emotionally deflate a leader. The symptoms are short-term (unlike an on-going and much more serious … Continued

Developing Rhythms for Rest and Renewal

Ask: Is rest and renewal a regular rhythm in your life? Why: God has punctuated time by establishing day and night, specific seasons, special celebrations and Sabbath. Developing similar rhythms for our lives and specifically for rest is biblical and … Continued

What Really Holds You Back?

Dandelions. These yellow ‘flowers’ populate lawns each spring. Initially, it seems easiest to just run the lawnmower over top of them.  After all, they will disappear…for a day or two. But the dandelions will soon reappear in even greater force. … Continued

What’s Your One Degree?

One degree can make a big difference – especially over time. Imagine your next flight. What if the navigator plotted a course that was off by one degree? Aviators will tell you that for every one degree traveled off course … Continued

Summer Reading List…

I love summer for a number of reasons. Besides the warm weather and family vacation, I love the extra window of time summer adds for reading. There are so many books and so little time, but here are a few … Continued

Overcoming Squirrels & Other Distractions

“Squirrel!” If you’ve seen the Academy Award-winning animated movie “Up”, you’ve watched “Dug” the talking dog and his talking dog colleagues get immediately and completely distracted by the sight or sound of squirrels. It doesn’t matter what they are doing, … Continued

6 Best Practices for Second Chair Leaders

In my last leadership tip of the week I gave you four insights to help you maintain perspective as a second chair leader. This week’s tip looks at six best practices that will help you maximize your impact as second … Continued

Coffee Mug

Grow Your Mentoring Relationship

Ask: What could we do to take our time together to the next level? Why: This simple check-in question provides an intentional opportunity for the mentee and mentor to reflect and evaluate the mentoring relationship and meetings. It gives both … Continued

4 Insights For Second Chair Leaders

These four quick tips will help you maintain perspective and a healthy attitude if you sit in the second leadership chair. 1. Second Chair Isn’t Second Class We seem to be conditioned to think that first chair leadership is better … Continued